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I work as the Assistant Manager for Community Digital Initiatives & eLearning at Vancouver Public Library. I graduated from UBC’s School of Library, Archival and Information Studies in 2004. I received my B.A. in Journalism from Georgia State University, and also completed graduate level courses in Africana Studies with a concentration on Literary Criticism and Rhetorical Theory at Clark Atlanta University.
I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA , but have lived in Vancouver for thirteen years.
I have been a usability professional, college radio DJ (WRAS/Atlanta), a sometimes surly (but always well-intentioned) technical support representative, and violin player. It was my frustration with the way software was designed for the needs of programmers and highly technical users rather than the general public that led me to a career in user-centered design. It was my love of information, intellectual freedom, and service that pulled me back to librarianship.
Professionally I’m interested in user experience, communications, marketing of library services, community digital initiatives, open data, content strategy, transforming the role of librarians and information professionals, and investigating the intersection of social issues, technology, and public librarianship. Recent professional interests include: neoliberalism in libraries, and investigating librarianship through a critical race/gender/intersectional theory framework.
In my personal life, I enjoy riding my bike (not racing), reading young adult novels, scoping out tasty craft beers, hanging out with my cat, bad TV, Twitter, and photography.