Ryan Randall

Website: www.ryanpatrickrandall.com
Mastodon: @ryanrandall (I’m on the HCommons.social server.)

I’m an Instructional Designer at Idaho State University. I work with faculty on designing engaging, accessible, and clear online courses.

Before that I was the Instruction Coordinator & Faculty Outreach Librarian at the College of Western Idaho, a community college serving the Boise metropolitan area. There I worked with students, faculty, and other librarians to promote critical information literacy and library use.

My MLS is from Indiana University in Bloomington. While in library school I wrote for the Hack Library School blog. Before pursuing librarianship I earned an MA in Visual and Cultural Studies from the University of Rochester, and both an MA and BA in English from the University of California, Riverside. I’ve also taught first-year writing and lower division humanities courses at a variety of colleges and universities.

I’m excited by the interdisciplinarity of librarianship, the ways we can work with patrons as “guides on the side,” and the reflective communities I’ve found around critical pedagogy, digital humanities, and critical librarianship.

When I’m not in a library, there’s a very good chance I’ll be exploring a local record store, coffee shop, or hiking trail. I’m often not too far from the #critlib hashtag on Mastodon.