
Becoming a Writer-Librarian

In Brief: This article offers a reflection on my pursuit to become a writer-librarian. In addition to participating in a professional writing program at my institution, in November of 2012 I participated in Academic Writing Month and Digital Writing Month. Through these immersive experiences I worked to figure out who is my writerly librarian self and...
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Building a Community of Readers: Social Reading and an Aggregated eBook Reading App for Libraries

In Brief: Library ebooks are currently read in different, unconnected reading platforms. Because all library ebook vendors use the same Adobe ADEPT system to circulate ebooks, they could be delivered to a single aggregated reading app. This article discusses social reading and why libraries should look at the technology, and details the Adobe ADEPT DRM...
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Aaron Swartz

In Brief:This article discusses Aaron Swartz’s life and legacy, especially his contributions to libraries. Via video, narrative, and archived email discussions, it conveys a sense of Swartz’s values and conversational style. It concludes with a detailed timeline of his life. by Brett Bonfield This is a living article about someone who died. This version is...
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Students As Stakeholders: Library Advisory Boards and Privileging Our Users

In Brief: This article investigates the idea of library student advisory boards as mechanisms for building more student-centered libraries at colleges and universities. Benefits of these types of organizations, measures of success, and the importance of acting on evidence-based user feedback are discussed. by Erin Dorney Introduction A Google search for “library student advisory board” returns...
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“Someday when I am incompetent…”: Reflections on the Peter Principle, Leadership, and Emotional Intelligence

by Kim Leeder A few years ago I learned of the “Peter Principle”: the concept that in hierarchical organizations, whether public or private, individuals are promoted up to their level of incompetence, and there they remain (Peter and Hull 16). In their book of the same name, the authors observe with satirical accuracy that, regardless...
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Editorial: Getting to Know Us – A Single Project, the Reason We Write, and a Source of Inspiration

In Brief: In this editorial, In the Library with the Lead Pipe Editorial Board members individually answer three questions: If you had to work on only one project for the next year, what would it be? Are you writing/researching for the love or for the tenure? (Submitted via Twitter by Lead Pipe reader Kenley Neufeld.)...
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