
A Look at Recessions and their Impact on Librarianship

Image courtesy of Flickr user RayBanBro66 By Hilary Davis Given the constant flood of reports comparing our current economic recession with past major recession events including the Great Depression, I want to explore the historical patterns of employment rates and salaries for librarians at times of recession and the role of libraries during recession events. In...
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Presentation = Speech + Slides

By Derik Badman Back in October, Aaron Schmidt posted “HOWTO give a good presentation” to his blog walking paper. His second bullet point of “thoughts” on good presentations is: Please don’t fill your slides with words. Find some relevant and pretty pictures to support what you’re saying. You can use the pictures to remind yourself...
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Our Librarian Bodies. Our Librarian Selves.

By Emily Ford Librarians are great at taking care of their patrons. We will conduct searches for our patrons and provide them with the resources they need, we contribute to the public good and offer ongoing educational opportunities, and we provide community space in the name of discourse and community building. We also testify in...
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Swings and Roundabouts

By Hilary Davis “If where our scientists are and how they work is fundamentally changing, doesn’t that fundamentally change how we support them?” (Luce, 2008 – audio | slides) A major change to our profession is afoot. Well, more than afoot – the “E-science” ship has sailed and has some major momentum behind it, but...
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Sticking it to Instruction

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die by Chip Heath & Dan Heath By Ellie Collier I always feel the need to preface my praise for this book with a little background. I’ve read a slew of best sellers on behavior. I started when a friend was raving about Malcolm Gladwell. I...
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